Monday, November 5, 2007

Stepping into action: the TfaC participants

The Interact Link project begins this week, with practitioners working for Theatre for a Change in Ghana making their video postcards to send to a group of practitioners working for various theatres in the UK.

(Clockwise from top left: Nii Kwartelai Quartey, Foster Gomashie, Amanda Enusah , Regi Tetteh , Collins Smith, Diana Quao, Susan Dartey)

The practitioners in Ghana all perform slightly different roles across the range of workshops and activities that TfaC operates. Some are Monitoring Officers for TfaC's Teacher Training programme which helps 100 teachers use Interactive Theatre with their own classes and focus groups. Some are young faciliators - running their own groups in James Town and other areas of Greater Accra. Others are Training Officers - teaching local young people how to become facilitators in their own communities.

All of them started out as young participants with Theatre for a Change and all of them are running their own projects in the field - some at the Community Theatre Centres in James Town and Amasaman, others based at Teacher Training Colleges in the districts around Accra. They are all really excited about this project and creating links with practitioners in the UK.

Over the next five days they will all create a video postcard to send to their link practitioner in the UK. All videos (and, by the end of next week, the responses to them) will be posted on this blog: please check back regularly for updates.

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