Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jacqueline's message to Reggie

The third video postcard to arrive from the UK is from Company of Angels' Jacqueline Rice, who has sent this message to Reggie Tetteh.

Company of Angels fosters and produces new and experimental theatre for young audiences both by producing shows and by initiating innovative projects that directly involve young people.

Jacqueline recently directed My Days as part of their ‘Young Angels: Directors, Writers and Designers programme in collaboration with Drama Centre and the Soho Theatre, which brought together young creative professionals to collaborate on new work for a young audience. Jacqueline has also directed work for Shared Experience's Youth Theatre who with Company of Angels shares the aesthetic of communicating through ensemble work using movement, song and dance to create distinctive and daring work that gives theatre for young people a new dimension.

One of the beliefs that Company of Angels was founded upon is that the political and emotional centre of social change frequently revolves around children and young people.

Jacqueline sets out to inspire and empower the young people she works. The work can be demanding and often about the serious and sometimes very adult challenges they face in their young lives, but that together, we can work through these issues, find answers as a team and do our utmost to enter into a world of beauty. And of course, have a great deal of fun at the same time too!

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