Friday, November 30, 2007

Jaqueline's last video to Reggie

This is the final video to Reggie Tetteh from Jacqueline Rice at Company of Angels.

Jacqueline writes:

Vanessa and myself made our final video postcard today. We loved Reggie taking us to the beach so we thought we take him/you all to the River Thames. I felt less nervous this time (and tried not to nervously fidget as much as I did in the last one!). I've made two short films but it was making the video postcard that made me appreciate how difficult it is for actors having a camera in their face. However, being outside in the crisp fresh blue air with a wash of soft sunshine overhead instantly relaxed me. Also I felt a stronger connection to Reggie this time and it was like chatting to a friend.

We hope Reggie/you all like the view of the river with St Paul's Cathedral in the background and that we gave you a tiny glimpse of London, on a sunny day! People were quite curious while we were filming and out of the corner of my eye I could see one couple listening, a dog running around and there was another moment when a man walked over having a blazing row on his mobile phone. But I did my best to remain professional and focussed!

This project has been such fun to be involved with. I have always had a huge thirst and need to communicate with people from all over the globe so when John Retallack offered me the chance to represent Company of Angels I was jumping with joy. I'm endlessly curious and have been reading up about Ghana and now harbour a great desire to come and meet, and hopefully work with you all. We have loved watching all the video postcards. What really hits you, and is an absolute joy to see and hear, is the passion and commitment everyone has for the work they are doing. The warmth each TfaC participant communicates is utterly palpable and is a real warm breeze floating into my sometimes quite chilly house.

I've shown many friends your video postcards and all agree that you are all quite special and doing amazing work and there is a great deal of support here for you all. There was something Nii said about how he came to realise that there are people all over the world doing the same work as him and he took comfort from that. Seeing Reggie's second video and his workshop with the Group of Hope, made me feel that too. And I was really excited that we do have this universal language through our work and there is something that connects us to each other.

I will learn Reggie's dance and song warm-up and will start to use it in future rehearsals as Ned has very kindly written the words out for me. I love the moment in warm-up when each person can do a different action/movement. It was really great to see the interviews with the Group of Hope. They each had a real inner strength (and seemed so relaxed in front of the camera!) and that's great credit to the work you've all been doing with them, empowering and inspiring them.

I felt a little sad that it was the last video because in a sense it feels like it's only just begun. I've been thinking a great deal about TfaC over the last few weeks and want to make sure that we keep in touch and that we can continue to share ideas and experiences. Seeing all the good work you are all doing for your young ones in your community, I have begun to ask myself, Jacqui, how can you help and do more? Your work has inspired me and I am hoping that I can start the new year on a new footing, with some new goals, some new ways of working. And of course a plan of how to get to Ghana to meet you all! Until then, I am very much available on email and adore writing, so please let's stay in touch.

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